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Economics and Civics

Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Subject: Social Studies 

Time Frame: 4 weeks (Quarter 3)


Big Understandings


- resources are scarce, so individuals may not have access to the good and services they want
- investigate costs and benefits to make informed financial decisions
- allocate for ideas to improve communities 
- identify and compare multiple ways that people understand and resolve conflicts and differences 


Essential Questions


- how does scarcity affect purchasing decisions?
- what goods and services do you use?
- how are resources used in various communities?
- what are some ways to find out about the goods and services used in other communities?
- how do individuals make and analyze the consequences of financial decisions?
- what strategies can help individuals achieve their short-term goals and long-term goals?
- what are beliefs that help people live together in communities?
- what civic responsibilities do you think are important?
- how can different cultures and beliefs influence a community?
- what are responsible ways to advocate ideas in a community?
- what happens when someone uses power unwisely?
- what are good ways to solve differences?
- what do equality, justice, and responsibility look like in the world?



By the end of the unit, students will be able to:


- explain scarcity
- identify good and services and recognize examples of each
- give examples of choices people make when resources are scares
- identify possible solutions when there are limited resources and unlimited wants
- assess priorities when making financial decisions
- classify goals as short-term or long-term
- differentiate the monetary value varies from person to person for goods and services
- predict positive and negative consequences when making financial decisions
- use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve world problems about making financial decisions
- compare ways that people may express their ideas and viewpoints in ways that are effective and respectful to others
- analyze how people in diverse groups monitor and influence decisions in their community
- describe ways in which you can take an active part in improving your school or community
- identify and compare examples of civic responsibilities that are important to privileged and marginalized individuals, families, and communities (voting and representation)
- describe the characteristics that enable a community member to responsibility and effectively engage in the community 
- analyze ways that diverse individuals, groups and communities work through conflict and promote equality, justice, and responsibility
- compare examples of power and authority and identify strategies that could be used to address an imbalance (anti-bullying, mediation, and deliberation)
- identify and give examples of appropriate and inappropriate uses of power and the consequences
- demonstrate skills to understand and resolve conflicts or differences 




â—¦ Scarcity of resources and availability of goods and services 
â—¦ Effects on individuals and communities 
â—¦ Decision-making processes in making financial decisions 
â—¦ Long and short-term goals 
â—¦ Decision making and participating in communities 
â—¦ Identify ways in which community members work together to resolve conflicts (on-going throughout year)




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