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End of Revolutionary War- Inception of the United States

Grade Level: 5th Grade

Subject: Social Studies 

Time Frame: 8 weeks (April/May)


Big Understandings


- analyze primary and secondary sources from multiple points of view to develop an understanding of early United States history.
- causes and consequences of movement
- construct an understanding of the foundations of citizenship in the United States
- the origins, structures, and functions of the United States government


Essential Questions


- how do sources with varied perspectives help us to understand what happened in the past?
- why is it important to understand the historical context of events?
- how might history be different without the Declaration of Independence?
- what human and physical characteristics have motivated, prevented or impeded migration and immigration over time?
- how can migration and immigration be represented geographically?
- how has the movement of people and their belongings affected the environment both positively and negatively?
- how might citizens view an issue differently because of their backgrounds?
- what is the most important right of a citizen?
- what is the most important responsibility to citizens?
- who is government?
- what are democratic ideals and practices and their historic origins?
- were the founding fathers correct in keeping the Constitution open for flexibility and interpretation? Why?
- how have historical documents defined and distributed power?



By the end of the unit, students will be able to:


- recognize how historical context can affect the perspective of historical sources
- examine significant historical documents (the stamp act, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution)
- interpret timelines of eras and themes in North America from European colonization through the establishment of the United States Government
- Analyze cartoons, artifacts, artwork, charts, and graphs related to eras and themes in North America from European colonization through the establishment of the United States Government.
- identify variables associated with discovery, exploration, and migration
- explain migration, trade, and cultural patterns that result from interactions among people, groups, and cultures
- describe and analyze how specific physical and political features influenced historical events, movements, and adaptation to the environment
- analyze how cooperation and conflict among people contribute to political, economic, and social divisions in the United States 
- give examples of the influence of geography on the history of the United States 
- describe and provide sources and examples of individual rights
- give examples of group and individual actions that illustrate civic ideals in the found of the United States (freedom, rules of law, equality, civility, cooperation, respect, responsibility, and civic participation
- explain the reasons for the settlement of the American colonies
- define the criteria and process for becoming a citizen 
- explain the historical foundation and the events that led to the establishment of the United States government (the colonial experience, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution
- identify political principles of American democracy and how the Constitution and Bill of Rights reflect and preserve these principles
- explain the origins, structures, and functions of the three branches of the United States government and the relationships among them
- describe how the decisions of the national government affect local and state government




â—¦ Last act of the Revolutionary War to the inception of independence 
â—¦ Examine significant historical documents- Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution 
â—¦ Identify groups and individuals who illustrate civic ideas in the founding of the United States- freedom, rules of law, equality, civility, cooperation, respect, responsibility, and civic participation 




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