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Winter Holidays Around the World

Grade Level: kinder

Subject: Social Studies 

Time Frame: 2 weeks (Quarter 2)


Big Understandings


- the sequence of events is important when describing the past
- people live in different places around the world 


Essential Questions


- Why is it important to know the order of events?
- How is your life and/or family different from other children and families?
- What happened yesterday and today, and might happen tomorrow?
- How have you grown and changed over time?

- what would it be like to live in another city, state, or country?
- why do people belong to different groups?
- what makes a place special to the people who live there?



By the end of the unit, students will be able to:


- explore differences and similarities in the lives of children and families of long ago and today
- sequence information using words (present, future, days, weeks, months, years, first, next, last, before, and after)
- explain why knowing the order of events is important

- compare and contrast how people live in different settings around the world
- give examples of food, clothing, shelter, and how they change in different environments




â—¦  Native American cultures and puritans from around the time of the first Thanksgiving- connecting back to similarities and differences between children and families from long ago and today
â—¦ Hanukkah
â—¦ Kwanzaa
â—¦ Christmas around the world
â—¦ Family traditions around the holiday season





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